Intensive Case Management
I offer Intensive Case Management (ICM) for those in early recovery, or are seriously contemplating sobriety. This is for someone who wants a highly trained professional as a companion, guide, and supportive life coach to lead them to live the life they want to live.
This program offers a “concierge” approach of personalized service. It’s comprised of accountability, skill building, support, and guidance to clients who have struggled with substances and want to remain clean and sober. These clients want to achieve a profound change in their lives and relationships and seek a high level of personal and compassionate care on an outpatient basis.
For ICM to be effective, I require that clients be highly motivated and willing to make a daily commitment to their own care and journey. This includes signing a contract encompassing the majority of the following:
Client will agree to daily accountability and support. He or she will speak or communicate with me a at least 5 days a week, averaging a total of approximately 2 hours per week. This daily support and contact may range from 5 minutes to an hour depending on current client needs and current situation. My goal is to be there for the client without judgment, and with compassion at all times as quickly as possible.
Client will agree to a minimum of 1 additional weekly psychotherapy and skill building session, either in person, via video, or by phone. Treatment will include tools from 12 Step Programs, SMART Recovery, Motivational Interviewing, and DBT as well as traditional psychotherapy. These sessions are designed to assist client in dealing with triggers, urges and the intense feelings that accompany early recovery and this significant life change.
Client must be willing and motivated to learn these essential skills.
Client will agree to address their search for sobriety or change of behavior as the primary goal while they build and incorporate everything that is important to them on a daily basis.
If the client’s stated goal is sobriety, client will agree to random drug/alcohol testing. This allows me to defend and advocate for the client when they’re successful, providing fact-based assurances to family members and proof of sobriety for legal purposes if required.
Part of achieving a sober life, it is important for them to be willing to build a sober network that he/she can reach out to in early recovery and thereafter. While very helpful if these contacts are in recovery, it does not necessarily mean they have to be. This circle of support will be made up of friends, family, and associates that can help the client live a sober life and engage in activities that do not depend or include substances.
If the goal is not immediate sobriety, client must still agree to be open, curious and willing to consider exploring all kinds of support resources that may help them achieve their goals. This can include doing trauma work, body work, (therapeutic massage), talking to others who can be supportive guides.
Client will agree to explore peer to peer support groups, either online or in person. (This does not have to be a 12 step program.)
Client will be open to the formulation of a circle of professional care, which may include any of the following: psychiatric support, medical care, hypnotherapy, functional nutrition, and/or programs which can support client’s recovery. Additional support may also include family members, employers, coaches and trainers. A release must be provided for team members to speak to on another.
I will communicate with family members as appropriate when agreed upon by client and family. If family sessions are required there is an addiction charge.
ICM fees are billed prior to treatment and on a monthly basis. The fee is $5000 per month ($1250 per week) for (24/7) daily support and guidance. Included are the 1 hour clinical sessions per month. When a client exceeds the 3 hours of clinical support, (the 1 face to face session and the 2 hours per week of phone work, client will be billed at the regular hourly rate of $335 per hour or prorated at $5.50 per minute.
There is no additional charge for my communication and treatment planning with the professional treatment team. There is no charge for updating family members or those with vested interest in a client’s progress when this is part of the agreed upon client’s treatment plan and contract.